Route 95 Toll Calculator

Based on tolling of $0.055 per mile.

One-Way Mileage


Round-Trip Mileage


Round-Trip Toll


Weekly Cost *


Yearly Cost *


Under Gov. Ned Lamont's plan, which is based on a proposal from the state Department of Transportation, drivers with a Connecticut E-ZPass would get a 30 percent discount, meaning they would pay 4.4 cents per mile off-peak or 5.5 cents per mile during peak travel hours.

Because many of our readers have or can get Connecticut E-ZPasses – and travel during typical working hours – this calculator is based on the 5.5 cents per mile rate.

Lamont's plan is not the only proposal on the table and is still being debated. Additional discounts, such as a frequent commuter discount, may become available.